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Garden room


$x3 Garden Room clad in British Larch

The Garden


4m x 3m, this Garden room fits perfectly in the mid-sized garden. Featuring French Doors with two 400mm wide side windows allowing maximum light into this perfectly sized Garden Retreat.

The office


Inside the Garden Room
British Larch with exterior light

A small but perfectly formed office for

the garden. With a floor area of just 3 square meters, this compact Office Blok was built to serve as an editing suite for one.


The Office Blok is fully insulated, features a unique rubber roof to accommodate both single doors which, in the summer months can both be opened to allow the outside in.


Price available on request


Compact Garden Office
Summer House
Tongue and Groove Interior

The Classic

Measuring 2.5 x 3.5 meters, this Classic Garden Room is built using FSC rated timber and features Georgian style french doors and windows. Internally clad with tongue and groove and a hardwood floor, this garden room is the perfect addition to the garden.


The Classic can be built to incorporate insulation if preferred.

A dual pitched roof coming under 2.5 meters with bitumen roof tiles. A range of roofing options are available to suit your budget.


Price available on request



The modern

As with all of our buildings, the 'Modern' uses FSC rated timber throughout and features two windows of your chosing along with full glass Sliding Doors.

Clad in planed British Larch, the 'Modern' is a stylish addition to any garden whilst offering a generous internal floor space.


Price available on request

Garden Room clad with British Larch
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